Some mornings my grouchy husband on his way home from work will stop at the local coffee shop, JJ Beans, for a hot drink and he will also bring me a chai tea latte. He is not a man of many words, and most of what he says is grouchy, but when I see this drink on the counter, I hear in my head him saying “I love you”, “you are such a good wife”, “thank you for taking such good care of my kids”, and at least ten other terms of endearment every wife wants to hear from their husband. Can you believe this small, small, small gesture of thoughtfulness can say so much? I have everything to make this drink at home, but I would rather wait for him to bring me one.
JJ Beans…if you are telling him to bring this home for me…don’t tell me! I like thinking my grouchy husband is thinking of me.
Talk soon, Chrissy